Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Hi everyone!!!!!!!!!!!! Im here to blog about my experience at PITBULL'S CONCERT on the 18th of may at Fort Canning Park!!! Not forgetting to thank Maybelline Singapore for the V.I.P tickets. I was able to meet Pitbull in person. With a pair of tickets in hand, i decided to bring Beatrice along!
Both of us met Pitbull a.k.a Mr 305 before the concert. He was late for an hour and a half but nevertheless all of the people there still had fun because there was DJ inquisitive!! It was my 1st time to attend a concert or event with him being the DJ.!!!!
Definitely , i had to dress up and put on some Make up..Maybelline's make up definitely enhance my looks so I could meet pitbull!
Everyone was sweating like hell because it took quite a while to climb fort canning lol.
The pic taken with pitbull will be uploaded to the LAMC fb page soon. Will grab it and shoe you all when they upload it!! No individual pictures were allowed!!

Ok! To stop you from waiting!!!!!
Pics of pitbull during his performance!!!

The experience was definitely enjoyable and fun! It was my first time meeting a celebrity/singer before a concert!!!!! Lucky much? hehe
Performing his 1st song.
Beatrice and me started to sing and take pictures of him. COUNTLESS PICTURES were taken.
Here are some when he was performing during the concert.

Pitbull starting his performance!!! As you can see Inquisitive is packing up his stuff. I didnt want him to go man!!! He was really damn damn good.
The amount of people at the concert! There were more around the building!
Both of us were standing at a platform at the right side of the stage. People were jumping and screaming at the top of their voices and the platform was shaking shaking that my video was so hard to take :(
DJ Inquisitive
This was at the secret place that the lucky people got to meet Pitbull! His band unloading their musical instruments to the secret room. Luckily there was Air con!!!!!
Bea and me during the wait for Pitbull!! Look!! we were sweating so much!!
My lucky ticket to meet him!!! The V.I.P booth took back the tickets :(( So i couldnt keep!!!!
Before the concert, Bea and me went to Coffee club to have a small bite but im sure it totally burnt off after walking up the Fort Canning Hill.

Me before the concert. Im using Maybellline's impact express liquid eyeliner an it makes it look natural!My eyeliner didn't go off even after sweating so much!! Maybelline's masacara didn't go off too!!
AND OF COURSE THERE ARE SOME Videos of the songs!! But Blogger is taking very slow to upload. Is there another way?
Some pictures of us taken during the concert! Can you imagine the cup of ice coke there was selling at $5?? Thank you Bea for treating me to a cup of coke!!!! luv!
Not to forget!!! Pitbull's Signature !!!!! Hahahahahhaa
Lastly! Really thank Maybelline Singapore for giving me a chance to meet Pitbull in person and get to see his concert!!!!! I would love to win more prizes hehehe!!!
I remember when I first started to make up , I used maybelline's foundation,eyeliner and mascara. Their best product is the mascara. Doesn't form clogs between ur lashes n no smudges. Some are waterproof also!! Me will continue to use maybelline's makeup in the future and u guys hve to try too!!! X
